+41 (0)43 366 66 06 | info@holzbearbeitungstechnik.ch

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Main categories according to the European nomenclature

HBT members offer different products and services. The number next to the member's address specifies the products on offer according to the European Nomenclature. 

(For details see Eumabois nomenclature)

00   Machines, technical equipment and services for forestry
01Machines and technical equipment for primary processing
(production of semifinished products)
02Machines and technical equipment for secondary processing
(laminating, machining, gluing of solid timber)
03Machines and technical equipment for surface finishing
04Machines and technical equipment for assembly, packaging
05Materials handling, warehousing and commissioning technology
06Robots technology
10Machines and plants for special processes
11Machines and plants for special product groups
18Other auxiliary machines, equipment and devices
19Portable machines for processing of timber and plastics
20Tools and auxiliaries
21Machines and equipment for maintenance and manufacturing of tools
22Products for the equipment of machines
30Use of residual wood (dust, chips, firewood, bark), generation of energy and
heating using wood fuels
31Energy saving, environmental protection, occupational safety, fire prevention
and airconditioning
40Electronic data acquisition and data processing equipment; measuring, testing
and control systems
80Delivery of complete plants, financing and leasing companies
90Independent computer software (CAD, ERP, production planning and control, etc.)
95Independent services for the wood industries
96Research and testing institutes, educational institutions for the timber and
woodworking industries (universities, technical colleges, etc.)
97Publishers of literature for the timber and woodworking industries

Additional category according to NOGA (General Classification of Economic Activities)

For details see NOGA

99  Wholesale of wood and wooden construction materials (NOGA 467301)